there's a pretty vintagey button over in the sidebar that will lead you to all the participants in the
bella dreams holiday blog party...or you can just follow the link, of course;)
i've not decorated my house yet...but i want to share with you all of the wonderful
thrifted winter treasures that i will be using. every single item below is a thrift store find!
sparkly white florals

this hand crafted little wooden sleigh is adorable! it was "hitched up" to two very fuzzy, funny looking characters when i spied it - but they were easily removed! now i wish i had taken a picture of those before they reached the circular would have giggled, too:)

what a beautiful little lady in her winter white velvet dress, cape, and hat!

these birds needed a bit of "undoing" when i found them - easily accomplished with a stitch ripper. now i love their simple lines...

isn't the shape and color perfect?

this pretty tin container was hidden in a bag of gaudy christmas baubles

so delicate!

old reflectors, likely to be used in a craft project of some kind

more silvery florals for accents here and there

...and the matchless beauty of jack frost, who worked his magic during the night:)

have a safe, cozy, enjoyable winter week-end, everyone:)