a flower in the white space
i scrapped
*Shades of Pink
*Shades of Red
*Shades of White
*Any color is fine

i chose white...no surprise there:) but what a pleasant surprise to find out that my partner was the gracious karen, from my desert cottage...it was such a pleasure to get to know her better. thank you, karen, for being my swap partner!
doesn't this look so elegant and appealing? i love the variety of textures; the key, the lace, the button, the sheet music - all assembled beautifully.
the handmade card
i love the card sentiment...written in karen's own lovely script
another view of the outside
and a close up
i'm sure i don't have to point out the beauty of each of the items - but i have to say that the old crepe paper just makes my mouth water
wonderful old bobbin, soft seam binding on a tag...darling little pearl frame...
little kraft writing book - so many possibilities! and look at the softly gleaming pins against the perfectly aged lace
another little hand decorated box:) and perfectly beautiful trinkets
oh - the softly hued old buttons! i love them!
the box i sent to karen...
and the inside:) i'll let karen show you the rest over at her blog. and i'm going to link you back to our hostess cathy's post and list of other participants - i am having trouble posting the list here. happy valentine's day!!!
what's your number?
this old photo of my older sister and me has nothing to do with anything - although, come to think of it - she did introduce me to the Enneagram concept. like a lot of you, i simply like to have a photo or two with every post. and this one is precious to me. and it's vintage:)

so...the Enneagram is defined as a geometric symbol "that delineates the nine basic personality types of human nature and their complex interrelationships." While the Enneagram suggests that there are nine basic personality types of human nature, there are, of course, many subtypes and variations within the nine fundamental categories. Nevertheless, the assertion of Enneagram theory is that these nine adequately map out the territory of "personality types."
(Don Riso - author)
i have always been intuitive, and interested in people and psychology - and what makes us tick. i can tell you that back when i took this test and started reading about my basic personality type...i could only read small portions at a time without taking a break! it was so accurate and insightful, that is was slightly disconcerting:) and here is what i really appreciate about this whole enneagram theory:
"As a psychospiritual typology, the Enneagram helps people to recognize and understand an overall pattern in human behavior. External behaviors, underlying attitudes, one''s characteristic sense of self, conscious and unconscious motivations, emotional reactions, defense mechanisms, object relations, what we pay attention to, our spiritual potentials and much more—are all parts of a complex pattern that forms each personality type. Therapists, business counselors, human resource directors, and spiritual seekers from around the world are all finding the Enneagram to be immensely useful for self-understanding and personal growth. Always remember however, that the Enneagram does not put you in a box; it shows you the box you are in and the way out!"
(Enneagram Institute)
it does takes honesty and a certain amount of self-awareness to discover your true personality type! i've seen people take it and answer it the way they want to be, rather than how they really are (by their own admission) - and it wasn't helpful to them, of course. and it's also important to know that each of us have a certain amount of all nine personality types in us - it's just that one type is primary!
anyway - if you're interested in learning more, you can go to the Enneagram Institute and have a look around. the test that i took was the "full" RHETI and i found it in this book back then. however now you can take it online, i *think* - you might have to pay for it, though. I highly recommend this book - i refer back to it often!
another thing - there are several different authors who have written about the Enneagram. but in my personal opinion, i have found the works and writings of Don Riso and Russ Hudson to be the best. they are the co-founders of the Enneagram Insitute.
and one more vintage photo...my grandpa handing me a bouquet of beautiful flowers - he was a knowledgeable horticulturist. the first thing i notice when i look at this photo? my little legs all full of mosquito bites - it has been my lot in life to be a bug magnet. *sigh* they don't explain that in the Enneagram:)
if you're intrigued by this and investigate it further - please let me know what you think! i'd love to hear...i have yet to meet anyone who wasn't slightly amazed to read about him/herself in such detail! and if you want to share this - please feel free to link back here:)
one more
painful thoughts from a scattered mind...
shots from my studio
now the next few photos look fairly good...
but the reality is that most spaces look like this.
and this.
so then when i get frustrated with that chaos - i start infiltrating the rest of the house with what i so smugly call "staging areas". hah! staging area 1 as it looks today.
staging area 2. my husband snickers and pretends to believe that these are very temporary situations. because really they are - none has ever lasted longer then 6 months. ack!
and then i decided that i would join my friends on a crafting week-end this coming friday through sunday. in light of that, i wrote my dear friend an email:
petite inspiration boxes
and here is the first beautiful box that came in the mail from terri. so elegant and gorgeous. i just love the ledger paper and the bling...
and part of the wonderful contents - i admit i had started to squirrel things away before i remembered to take pictures...